Wondering “What foods should I eat?” The answer is different for everyone!

Wondering “What foods should I eat?” The answer is different for everyone!

Don’t settle for a generic answer to “What foods should I eat?” You deserve personalized nutrition based on your unique health and genetic blueprint!

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Keto, Detox: Are They Right For Your Genes?

Keto, Detox: Are They Right For Your Genes?

It is no secret that nutrigenomics is redefining how we shop for and prepare food that nourishes us. I have written extensively on the topic, but in this post, the first of two about my passion for nutrigenomics, I want to share more about WHY I believe so deeply in this new area of science and how it impacts health. Let’s cover some basics and then I’ll jump into how we use nutrigenomics to fine tune whether the hot diet topics of ketogenic and detox diets are right for your genes.

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